Legally Kidnapped

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Thursday, April 21, 2016

State's 'broken' foster care system running into funding woes, lawmakers told

An increase in the number of Texas kids with mental illnesses needing Child Protective Services has fueled an unexpected budget shortfall that soon could reach $40 million, adding to the state's problems in fixing a foster care system a federal judge deemed "broken."

More >> State's 'broken' foster care system running into funding woes, lawmakers told


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Why are thay in fostercare why dosent are. Country save the hole family maybe a jump start to sound like a gift but is benefits are going to job fostering parents then why is thair no help the familys that are strugaling help in a new way by invessting in The parents that are amoung the trying to sevive a state werker threats is a nother troubaling problem. if states help the familys. Gain strenths and didnt berden the alread strains .of a investagaters rath. It could work to the outcome all the around covering less. Mental dependency more promising. Future familys to permote a beter life for demoting the. Dependanty from state Welfair becase thay got a chace to live life with a. Dream. Instead. Of a worrying why is it a war on the pepal becase the naglect word and abuse. Word. Is used more to. The less abused. Then the intenced. Abused l

  2. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Thank you for all u do to help the public be. Aware of. Real life


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