Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Friday, August 10, 2012

Things Getting Better in Foster Care? Not So Fast!

Things Getting Better in Foster Care? Not So Fast!

Headlines recently proclaimed that the number of American children in foster care has dropped for the sixth straight year, falling to about 400,000 compared to more than 520,000 a decade ago. Unfortunately, this much-repeated headline significantly understates the size of today's foster care population. The number in the news was a single day's count. Looking at the entire year, 646,000 children spent time in foster care.

1 comment:

  1. This must be the Foster Care joke for the day. I wonder if the numbers reflect the number of children that CPS has lost track of, that have been killed while in foster care, and those who they made more money off of by tearing families apart and adopting them out? Oh, I forgot, we rely in CPS to tell the truth! After all, they have to report to nobody but themselves.


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