Legally Kidnapped

Shattering Your Child Welfare Delusions Since 2007

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Expert: For Maine’s child abuse reporting law to be effective, training critical

Expert: For Maine’s child abuse reporting law to be effective, training critical

Maine’s law that obligates professionals who have regular contact with children to report suspected child abuse and neglect has no provision that requires those so-called mandated reporters to receive training about their responsibilities.

Note: This is interesting. Just a couple days ago, this Bill Nemitz guy did a column on the Rev Bob Carlson case, calling for the heads of the mandated reporters who didn't blow the whistle on this guy, and calling for tougher laws and penalties for failure to report. Now we get a national expert weighing in to say that Maine's Mandated Reporter laws are problematic because people don't know how to spot the signs of abuse. IOW, Maine's CPS Rats are dumbasses.

Of course I've been saying this for years. Specifically since I found out that I had once been reported for rescheduling a doctors appointment.

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